Deep learning Project : Face recognition and verification

1 minute read

Work in progress

        ## 1. Read the image and format the image as array with openCV library
          import numpy as np

          def test_func(x,y):
            return np.sum(x,y)

        ## 2. Read the image and format the image as array with openCV library

        ### H3 Heading

        Here's some basic text.

        And here's some *italics*

        Here's some **bold** texts.

        What about a [link](

        Here's a bulleted list:
        * First
        + seconds
        - Third

        Here is numbered list
        1. First
        2. second
        3. Third

        Python code block:
          import numpy as np

          def test_func(x,y):
            return np.sum(x,y)

        Here is some inline code `x+y`.

        ## 1. Read the image and format the image as array with openCV library
          import numpy as np

          def test_func(x,y):
            return np.sum(x,y)

        ## 2. Read the image and format the image as array with openCV library

        ### H3 Heading

        Here's some basic text.

        And here's some *italics*

        Here's some **bold** texts.

        What about a [link](

        Here's a bulleted list:
        * First
        + seconds
        - Third

        Here is numbered list
        1. First
        2. second
        3. Third

        Python code block:
          import numpy as np

          def test_func(x,y):
            return np.sum(x,y)

        Here is some inline code `x+y`.

        Here is an image:
        <img src="" alt="linearly separable data">

        Here is some math: